Spectrum of Sexual Misconduct at Work

Sexual harassment includes a range of offensive behaviours.

What is the Spectrum of Sexual Misconduct at Work?

Because there are many forms of sexual harassment, it is easy to feel unsure if the unwelcome behavior fits the definition.  One way to recognize sexual harassment is to consider if it fits somewhere along a continuum of harm.  On the less serious end of the continuum – insensitive sexual comments or jokes.  On the more serious end – sexual assault.

What if I say and do nothing?

Many people say they worry about reporting sexual harassment, wondering how it may impact workplace relationships and future career prospects.  The best time to stop sexual harassment is when it happens for the first time. When the offensive behaviour continues, it can escalate.  Over time, the harasser may become more bold, and the level of harm may worsen.

Some examples of significant workplace sexual harassment

Sexual advances


Rude, sexually degrading or offensive remarks or gestures


Spreading malicious gossip or rumours of a sexual nature


Questions, suggestions or remarks about a person’s sex life.


Sexual or sexually suggestive name calling


Belittling a person by making fun of their sex, sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression


Inappropriate inquiries about a person’s sex life, sexual preferences, anatomy


Placing a condition of a sexual nature on employment or on any career opportunity


Displaying pictures, posters, or sending emails that are of a sexual nature


Unwelcomed social invitations, with sexual overtones or flirting, especially when there is a power differential


Spectrum of Sexual Misconduct at Work

The term ‘sexual harassment’ covers a wide range of unwanted behaviors.  It involves comments or behaviour of a sexual nature that another person finds offensive. It can happen in person, by text messages, or online.  The most common forms are sexual conversations, invasion of personal space or touching, sexual teasing or jokes, and unwanted staring or gesturing.