Research on sexual harassment in the workplace shows that in addition to “old-fashioned” blatant sexually explicit behaviours, vulnerable individuals such as members of the LBGTQ2S community may also experience more subtle forms of harassment referred to as “microaggressions”. Download this information sheet to learn how to prevent and report microaggressions.
This guide will give you a comprehensive list of checkpoints and guidelines to ensure you meet all of your legal and ethical requirements. It outlines the steps to follow when complaints are filed, and options for either informal or formal resolution procedures.
This information sheet will help you determine what steps you can take if you are a target of sexual harassment in your workplace.
This information sheet will help you determine what steps you can take if you witness sexual harassment in your workplace.
If you’re worried your employer will discipline you for complaining about workplace sexual harassment, or if they already have, read this fact sheet for information about your rights and your options.
Visit to download an individualized Workplace Safety Plan. This Safety Plan is meant to be created by a supervisor together with any employee who may be experiencing domestic/intimate partner violence (DIPV). The supervisor’s responsibility is to create an environment where the employee feels safe. To do so, there may need to be accommodations made to ensure the employee’s safety. The Safety Plan is a flexible tool that can change with the employee’s safety needs.
Visit to download fact sheets about domestic and intimate partner violence, how it can affect an employee in the workplace, and what employers can do to create a safer workplace. See “Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence and the Law” for legal avenues that victims can take. See “Respecting Employee’s Diversity” for information on how domestic/intimate partner violence can affect minorities differently. These fact sheets, used together, can inform employers and employees on how to create a safe workplace and how to offer support to those experience domestic/intimate partner violence.
The Anti-Harassment Policy Template was developed by the Canadian Human Rights Commission to help make workplaces safer. This template outlines what harassment and sexual harassment is, the responsibilities of people within different positions, and the complaint process. Download the template here.
You can download sample templates for a code of practice, a harassment report, an investigation report, and risk assessments. Created by WorkSafe NB, these resources, used together, will help to create a safe workplace and will help employers to meet their responsibilities according to provincial legislation. Download the templates here.
Develop your own code of practice to manage workplace harassment and violence. This guide was created by WorkSafe NB and can be used to help employers create their codes of practice, harassment reports, investigation reports, and risk assessments to adhere to provincial legislation. Download the guide here.
Visit to download the Restigouche Employer Package created by Breaking Workplace Silence. The package is meant to be used by employers to recognize and address domestic/intimate partner violence in the workplace. It includes steps for employers to follow to meet their legal responsibilities, resources for employers, and resources for victims. It is important for employers to understand the impact that domestic/intimate partner violence can have on the workplace and how to properly minimize that impact.
The Staff Awareness Guide created by Breaking Workplace Silence is meant to be used in conjunction with the Restigouche Employer Package linked above. This guide explains the importance of workplace awareness of domestic/intimate partner violence and the impact on the workplace. There are different methods listed that can be used to raise awareness such as designating a resource person, creating a committee, and/or sending employees for training. Download the guide here.
Visit to learn about sexual violence resources in New Brunswick. Access contacts such as a 24/7 support line, or support services to accompany you to a hospital, the RCMP, and/or court. You will also find training programs such as the Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention Training, Trauma Informed Workplaces, and many others. These training programs can be accessed by any survivor, employer, or third party who wants to learn more about sexual violence and how to effectively respond to concerns about sexual violence.
Visit and create an account to have access to resources developed by Western Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children. These resources include a customized domestic violence policy for your organization, training for everyone in the organization, a risk screening tool, as well as many other resources and contacts. This website may be useful for employers and workers of federally regulated organizations that are looking to learn about domestic violence in the workplace and how to address it.
The Journey Project was created by the Public Legal Information Association of Newfoundland. On this site you will find resources for survivors of sexual assault such as the processes of meeting with a lawyer, reporting to police, and the prosecution of sexual assault. You will also find training for employees and employers about sexual harassment in the workplace. Find the site here.
Legal Info Nova Scotia is pursuing a similar project to Safer Places NB. You can find free legal information on sexual harassment in the workplace, how to address it, and why it happens. You will also find contact information for free legal advice regarding sexual harassment in the workplace. Find the site here.
The RISE project was created by Community Legal Information PEI. You will be able to find resources for people who have experienced sexual harassment and/or sexual violence in the workplace. These resources include legal information, support for navigating the legal system, free legal advice, and other resources. Find the site here.
The SHARE project was created by the Human Rights Legal Support Centre. You will find information about sexual harassment and assault in the workplace and resources such as mental health services, sexual violence centres, and legal services. This site can be used by survivors or third parties looking for information. Find the site here.
This site may be helpful to employees experiencing workplace sexual harassment as it also provides contacts for resources. The site can be found here.
Created by the Community Legal Education Association of Manitoba, the Workplace Sexual Harassment Project provides information and legislation surrounding workplace sexual harassment. They also provide a hotline at which you can speak with a lawyer that can give you legal information and advice and well as refer you to different agencies. You can find the website here.
The Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan created a project called Listen. Here you will find information about sexual violence and can apply to receive up to 2 hours of free legal advice. You can find the website here.
Created by People’s Law School, Dial-A-Law provides information about sexual harassment, what to do if you’ve been sexually harassed, and contacts for resources. This may be a useful website for employees that have been sexually harassed and need to know what their next steps may be. You can find the website here.
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