Become Our Partner

Our Partners have a proven commitment to preventing sexual harassment.

Has your organisation completed sexual harassment training?  If so, we invite you to become a Positive Workplace Partner with Safer Places NB. A partnership with us helps to promote a positive work culture.  It recognizes your committment to preventing workplace sexual harassment.

Three steps to becoming a Positive Workplace Partner:

1. Complete the Training:  Register for Workplace Sexual Harassment training.  If your organisation has completed its own sexual harassment training, please let us know.

2. Receive our Partner Welcome Package:  We will send you a letter welcoming your organisation to the Partner Program, along with a link to the Safer Places NB Toolkit.  The toolkit includes a set of useful digital resources you can share with your network.

3. Join our Positive Partners Program:  You will become part of a network of organisations that have a proven commitment to safer workplaces.  Email us your logo and join our Positive Workplace Partners gallery.  

Apply to be a Positive Workplace Partner

You’re a perfect fit for this program if

You’re an organisation registered in New Brunswick.

You are looking to grow a positive work culture.

You have completed workplace training on sexual harassment.